Your Base is a Symbol of True Love

The meaning of the word base is rooted in words like home, foundation, building blocks, infrastructure, and basics. In all of these it means something that is solid and familiar to you. Something you can rely on and trust no matter what happens. Something you can count on for support.

Being a base is a characteristic of a soulmate.

A base in a relationship is someone you can trust, depend on, look to for encouragement, and look to for support.

Being “just a base” for someone in a relationship can turn into a derogatory word by those that don’t understand it, including someone that is a base.

It’s not just someone you come home to when things don’t go your way. They aren’t just there for your convenience or familiarity and you don’t return back to base because you have no other option.

Your soulmate acts as a base. It is an extension of oneself. It amplifies you and your abilities. With a base you can do things you never thought possible and accomplish things you wouldn’t have been able to do alone.

humans have roots

It’s like having superhuman powers to use for things that you’re good at.

Warren Buffet might be the richest person alive and Michael Jordan may have been the best basketball player but would there be any question about it if they had double the talent and wealth they currently possess?

It’s already likely they got to the point they did because they had a base to rely on.

Warren Buffet would be more rich than the next 20 richest combined and Michael Jordan wouldn’t even need a team anymore. This is the effect a true soulmate has on you. They amplify you.

This person is so powerful that people often say things like “what would I have done without you” or “I couldn’t have done that without your help.”

Do not be confused with someone you’re with that favor banks things they help you with. A base never seeks recognition and doesn’t care to take the spotlight for the work you accomplished.

You will never hear them say, “You couldn’t have done that without me” or “You are nothing without me.”

Do not confuse them with someone that constantly puts you down just to put you down during an argument — especially when the remarks are irrelevant to the conversation. These people do this just for the sake of trying to make you feel bad because they are a miserable heartless person deep down inside — this is not what a soulmate does.

But they aren’t always passive and supportive in the ways you would like. Do not be confused if they stand up for themselves during a discussion or fight and they tell you what they think about your ideas. The difference is they are attacking your ideas, not you, and they are attacking stuff that’s relevant. This is what a soulmate does, they keep you on the right path and heading in the right direction.

All your base are belong to us

You know you had a soulmate when you can’t function without them and I don’t mean you’re emotionally upset. I don’t mean that you can’t do the dishes, you have no money, or you have to take care of the kids. I’m not talking about responsibilities.

What I’m referring to is when you lose someone that was so dear to your heart that you start to see no purpose to life and I don’t mean you’re suicidal or depressed. I’m talking about when you don’t understand why you were doing the things you were doing and they no longer seem like a good idea. I’m talking about when you look at your life and have no idea where to go and what goal to pursue from this point on.

That job that you provided for your family with that no longer makes sense. The house you have, the location you live in, the friends you have — when you lose your base, all of this comes into question. Why are you doing what you are doing and what should you be doing with your life instead?

Imagine a doctor that has his license revoked permanently. His base is his career, his profession, and his medical license. Almost everything up to that point in their life was based off the assumption they would always have their base. Who they are and what they’ve become was only possible because of this base.

With the doctors license gone he can no longer be a doctor, everything he worked toward for those 20 years, is now gone. What he did everyday and what he’s been doing since he went to school to become a doctor no longer makes any sense.

He/she stops and looks around and says “what was it all for?” and “now what?”.

The people he met, the community he lives in, everything he’s probably ever done will need to be examined. He built his life around this base. Now that it was torn out from underneath him he will have to rebuild his entire life ground up.

Having a soulmate is a condition of co-dependency. Co-dependency can be good or bad. How many of your eggs will you put in one basket will determine how much you are affected by the loss of a soulmate.

You see soulmates are forever but not in the way you think. They may not be physically present, they may hate you, you may never see them again, but they will always be part of your foundation. No matter where you go or what you do, they will be in the building blocks of what made you who you are.

The doctor may go on and become a mechanic but nothing can erase the years and knowledge he spent as a doctor, they will always be a part of him.

You always carry their presence and their energy with you, in this life and beyond, they are embedded in your core till the end of time.



  1. I shared this and thank you for writing a most beautiful interpretation of TRUE LOVE. It was really funny, this morning, I was having a conversation with my ex. He asked me why I have held on to my love for him eventho we are 7 yrs 3 mo into our very dysfunctional on and off again relationship. This was before I read your link. I expressed to him almost exactly what you wrote. I, by happenstance, came across your link then began crying as I read it as it was my “perfect” answer to his question. Thank you!

  2. I shared this and thank you for writing a most beautiful interpretation of TRUE LOVE. It was really funny, this morning, I was having a conversation with my ex. He asked me why I have held on to my love for him eventho we are 7 yrs 3 mo into our very dysfunctional on and off again relationship. This was before I read your link. I expressed to him almost exactly what you wrote. I, by happenstance, came across your link then began crying as I read it as it was my “perfect” answer to his question. Thank you!

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