Inspirational Movement Please Stop Stealing Our Words

If you’ve ever heard anyone tell you that your health is wealth then you’ve been exposed to the self-serving inspirational movement. This movement has been continuously stealing common words from the English language just to get their philosophy out there and to cause people to think differently.

Unfortunately, this is causing a literary apocalypse that is forcing writers to consider whether or not to add descriptors to words that historically had a very clear and precise definition. Descriptors, like “financial wealth”, which according to the dictionary is still redundant.

Unfortunately, when you’re talking to the inspirational movement, you have to have to be redundant.

inspirational movement

The very minor definition of wealth is anything that has value or is rich in another way. The goal of the movement is to make the primary definition of wealth something that includes more than money — things like health, relationships, family, peace, and more.

Don’t get me wrong, these are great things to have, but we’re discussing literature here, not your philosophy on life and what you should or shouldn’t have more of.

The word rich has also been stolen. The word rich had one definition for many years until people became so bored that they started to change the words wealthy and rich into negative things.

To be rich and wealthy before the government started turning toward socialism was a positive thing and a dream everyone shared.

When those dreams were crushed, rich and and wealthy became an evil thing. Anyone that was rich or wealthy needed to be taxed. These evil people couldn’t have made their money any other way then by been stealing from everyone else through unethical business practices.

When things aren’t going well for you and your family, it’s easy to blame and despise those evil rich people. News flash: Most people that become rich and wealthy, even today, do it in a completely legal and ethical way. They are not your enemy — you and your movement are.

If you’re wealthy by whatever definition you give that word, great, more power to you. But if you’re saying your health, and other things you have, are wealth in order to comfort yourself, you’re dead wrong.

If your wealth is to cover up for a lack of riches (money) so that you have an excuse for being a deadbeat, you’re dead wrong.

Just because you didn’t get to where you thought you would be financially at this point in your life does not give you the right to demonize those that reached their goals. Stealing their words and their money won’t help you either. You’re going to remain poor, broke, or have a “lack of financial wealth” (haha), until you do something about it.

The solution to having everyone be rich and wealthy is not to steal their words, they don’t even mean the same thing anymore, and lose all their original power.

That’s great that you want to be “wealthy” because of your health, your relationships, and your family. It’s also great that you can be rich with love, rich with friendship, and your life can be so much richer because of the people you’re surrounded by.

But this is only word theft at it’s finest.

T. S. Eliot on Poets

Although I still think we are a ways off from a complete take over, at this rate, it’s bound to happen. Maybe in another 50 years I will walk out of the gym and have someone tell me I’m wealthy and I’ll reply with, “Yeah, I workout for 3-4 hours a day and eat good food.”

Rich and wealthy were created to explain a type of person that has a lot of financial power, assets, and money.

Dear Inspirational Movement,

Please stop stealing words, it makes my job as a writer harder because I have to say “financial wealth”, and the redundancy is unnecessary.

Please keep your own words like happy and content.

You don’t need to be rich with love — you can be loving and it means the same thing with less words.

I am happy that you can have great friends and relationships.

But please come up with your own words to describe them, as “wealth” is already taken.





PS – Your health is not wealth, your health is health.


  1. very practical article. For inspirational moments literature should not be hindered. I.liked the theme but do believe that most of the masses will spam u with hate mails on this article.Thats their point of view ..
    For me = Great Job!!

  2. very practical article. For inspirational moments literature should not be hindered. I.liked the theme but do believe that most of the masses will spam u with hate mails on this article.Thats their point of view ..
    For me = Great Job!!

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