Categories: Relationships

People Come and Go – The Wheel Weaves as the Wheel Wills

People come and go just like the leaves that fall from the trees in autumn only to be born again in spring. It is the natural way of things. Not many people will mourn the passing of seasons or the leaves that fall dead to the earth in the chilling air, but rather rejoice that the seasons have changed once again. And when those leaves begin to grow with renewed vigor they will again rejoice that the seasons have changed. Spring has come, the air will grow warmer and the grass greener.

It is in this same way that people come and go from our lives. Although it is not always as systematic and expected as the seasons, it still happens nonetheless.

The beauty of human relationships is that you can expect one thing and get an entirely different outcome. A wise man once said, “expect the unexpected”, whether you credit Heraclitus with this saying or some other modern day poet, it is irrelevant.

This unexpectedness in human relationships, if compared to mother nature, would be the equivalent of having back to back springs without any seasons in between. And while they say mother nature is unpredictable, humans are even more of a lost cause.

As chaotic as relationships might seem, there is a method to the madness. And the key lies within purpose.

The universe always finds a way to conspire with you. Whether you believe in the law of attraction or not. What you think about the most is what you become.

Everyone has been around a person that has nothing positive to say and just continually complains. When they talk about things that have happened to them and how often you’re in utter disbelief wondering how it can be so.

They claim to have the worst of luck. While I’ve already addressed “luck” in my article “Is there really such a thing as luck” we can just leave it at this; if you think you have bad luck, you’re going to have bad luck.

It’s perfectly harmonious with the saying by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

Thoughts become emotions and emotions lead to actions. You are what you think about and you attract what you think about the most.

So what does purpose have to do with this?

People come into your life and also leave your life based on the purpose they can serve.

Everyone has a purpose that comes into your life, no matter how brief, and it might not be to make you happy. And if they do make you happy, it might not be forever. Be thankful for what you get. People come into your life to deliver a message or to teach you something.

If you haven’t taken the time to understand that, then the purpose of you reading this article may be so that you do.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” – Buddha

This saying is more about just learning. It’s about what are you looking for. I wrote in another article about how when you buy a car, all of a sudden, you start to notice everyone that has the same car as you. This is because now you’re open to look for it, but before you bought that car, it was just a car.

So what are you looking for and is your mind open to see it?

“We often miss opportunity because it looks like work and is dressed in overhauls.” – Thomas A. Edison

You can only see what you’re looking for. I didn’t always invest in real estate, but when I started too, all I could see is the profit potential of each and every house. Before then, it was just a house.

Take a computer class on graphic design and all of a sudden you view graphics in an entirely different way.

Take an art class and all of a sudden you’ve developed a greater appreciation for art.

Try to learn how to play the guitar and all of a sudden you have more respect for those that can.

What are you opening yourself up to see?

Here is what life and relationships boil down to: “You’re attracted to what you need.”

Whenever you have a void in your life the universe conspires with you to help fulfill it. Voids change frequently depending on life circumstance but the universe will always deliver or not deliver to you the person or thing that will help you fulfill and complete yourself.

If you have a temporary void, perhaps one from a tragic event like a death, the void will eventually wither away as you accept the death. In the beginning there are a lot of people trying to comfort you and help you fill that void, over time when that void withers, they wither away too. It’s a calling that gets answered.

If you’re going through a divorce or severe break up, people will enter or not enter your life for a reason. They may comfort you or teach you something or help you feel better, but there’s a reason why these things happen that you won’t understand until further down the road in one of those nirvana “ah hah I get it now” type moments.

Maybe you’ve met some really cool people in your high school band, but once the music stops or you leave school, they wither away too. People are coming together all the time to fill voids or to serve a common purpose.

They come to you to serve a purpose for you and at the same time you’re serving some purpose to them. You have been brought together for a reason no matter how one sided things may seem, both people are benefiting from the relationship.

Once that purpose has been fulfilled those around you no longer can fill your void and you can no longer fill theirs. This is when it’s time to go your own way.

Unfortunately, because of our egos, many people try to hold onto these things too long because they remember how good it made them feel at one time. They hold onto the good memories even if the current situation is no longer even remotely close to the good times they had.

Are you in love with a memory? Are you friends with a memory? Is it time to let go?

People come together at exactly the right times and they stay together for exactly the right time periods. Just because someone made you laugh for an hour doesn’t mean you should continue passed that hour and just because you had a good relationship with someone for a few months doesn’t mean it should continue passed that few months. Everything ends only so it can begin again.

You’ve been experiencing it your whole life. Something ends and you’re at rock bottom and you just can’t go on anymore. And just when you think you’re done for, something happens or you meet someone who pulls you out of the shadows and once again you’re riding off into the sunset with them. It’s then that you realize that you had to let go or things had to happen for you to get to this point.

Almost every billionaire has a success story that involves them hitting rock bottom, maybe going bankrupt, maybe not, but there’s always the struggle. That’s what makes the story so great and that’s what inspired them to do what they did. Emotions lead to actions. Without the low you cannot have a high and without going to the bottom you cannot get to the top.

One can argue that we hold on after the purpose has been served because it has a purpose. And while I won’t argue with that because there might be lessons to be learned from holding on, sometimes being strong means letting go. And if you’re reading this today and find yourself holding on when you should let go, then I might be serving the purpose of a messenger sent here to tell you that it’s time.

“The wheel weaves as the wheel wills.” – Robert Jordan

Do you control your own life, creating the events around you and weaving in the people you want into your life pattern?

Or did you let go of the wheel and let life choose the people you will meet?

Thomas Van

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