Categories: Inspiration

Fish Tank Philosophy: The Goldfish Theory

It is rumored and somewhat proven that a Goldfish will grow to suit the size of its tank. That if you increase the size of the tank, the Goldfish will continue to grow. Some Goldfish reportedly weighing up to 90 lbs and as much as 36” long. Conversely, if you keep a Goldfish in a small tank it will stop growing or die. I would like for you to consider that this is a great analogy for the human condition.

Humans will be able to grow in two ways, and no, one of them is not physically like a goldfish. Humans have the unique capability of growing to the largest possible size that their environment allows. So what is a human environment in this context?

The Human Environment

The Human environment in this context is made up of geographical and spiritual locations. Where you are physically on earth and your surroundings and where you are mentally in your head and the things you think and believe about yourself and the world around you.

From this environment humans can expand and grow in several ways.

Material (physical accumulation) wealth: property, money, and relationships.

Mental Wealth (spiritual accumulation): happy, peaceful, purpose, and fulfilling your wildest dreams and desires.

Your environment affects everything from your happiness to your financial success and they go hand and hand.

For instance, if you are limited by your geographical location, no matter how expansive your spiritual mindset may be, you can only grow to a certain material size. And no matter how big your geographical environment is, if your spiritual mind is small, you will only grow to a certain size.

It is possible to have a poor mindset in a big location and still acquire some form of material wealth as it is possible to live in a poor geographical location and obtain some form of happiness, obviously because happiness comes from within you.

Whether or not you are happy is based on how you perceive the world and the thoughts that go on inside your head. Your thoughts become emotions. If you see happy and think happy, you’ll be happy.

This article is not for mere judgment, its primary objective is in presenting a theory for you to look at, so if you aren’t getting everything you want out of life you can take this into consideration when making changes to your environment (yourself).

Let’s play around here with hypothetical situations so you can understand the basis of this theory.

Material Accumulation

Let’s say we take a Billionaire, someone who’s made a lot of money running a business or doing something else significant where they reach a mass audience, and let’s move them to a small town. While they are in this town, let’s give them the same big business mindset they had, but not the spiritual or mental capacity to expand their environment.

Let’s do Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonalds for fun.

So Ray is in a small town of about 50,000 people and opens a McDonalds. The restaurant is an immediate success. A small mindset would prohibit him from deciding to open another restaurant to meet the towns demand. He could make a good chunk of money off this one restaurant. This is an example of material growth. Let’s say this 1 restaurant makes him $100,000 a year and he’s fine with that. Because of his mindset he has capped on his material growth.

Now let’s say Ray decides to expand his mind some, he opens another restaurant in his town, then another, and another; so now he has 4 and it appears the towns demand for McDonalds has reached it’s limit. So he now has 4 restaurants making $100,000 a year for him each, that’s $400,000 a year total. He again has reached the cap of his mindset. His mindset was to expand to meet his towns demands for McDonalds, because of his geographical location and the population, he is now geographically capped. No matter how big his mindset gets or how many restaurants he builds in his town, he’ll start to lose money off each one and they will become less profitable.

So sure, Ray is the richest man in town with his 4 restaurants, he’s now a big fish in a small pond. The only way for him to get bigger is to expand his geographical location which means expanding his mindset about what he’s doing. Which he obviously did. McDonalds is one of the largest corporations to date with an International reach of about 119 countries serving approximately 68 million customers a day.

You can see by the above example how a person can reach a maximum cap from the local economy and unless you expand into other geographical locations you are stuck at that level no matter what you think, if it’s not thinking about expanding your potential customers, you can’t grow.

During a lecture at a college in Texas, Ray Kroc asked the students which business he was in. One of them replied hamburgers, to which he said, that is incorrect, I’m in the business of real estate. He went on to further explain that McDonalds has some of the most lucrative real estate spots all over the world and the piece of land they are oftentimes on are worth more than the restaurant itself. McDonalds is the single largest owner of real estate in the world.

Spiritual Accumulation

Spiritual Accumulation works in a kind of polar opposite way of Material Accumulation. It resides primarily in how you perceive your world, your environment, yourself, and most importantly the things you think.

While it is not controlled by your physical or material world and exists simply as energy inside of you, it is commonly mistaken and fraudulently connected to the accumulation of material or physical things. As long as you attach your spiritual or energetic accumulation to physical things, you are setting yourself up for failure.

So spiritual accumulation, or the accumulation of being happy, peaceful, and living your wildest dreams works off a principle of law of attraction or conversely, the law of rejection. When trying to think in positive terms no one will use the negative form of it, but the law of rejection can function in exactly the same theoretical away.

Reject the notion that you need to get a better job, make more money, pay off debt, or any other number of magical things that need to happen, and if you could just have them, you’d be happy. I can tell you right now that you’ll never be happy with that philosophy because there’s always something else. There’s always something to get, or something that happens, or something that just quite isn’t right, and if you keep waiting, and waiting, and waiting for that thing or time to come along, it never will. Happiness can only be found right now in this very moment. It’s not something you acquire in the future or something that gets left in your past. It’s something that resides within you and is always with you. So reject it and move on, don’t dwell on it or think about it any longer.

The law of attraction basically states that anything you think about comes to you. The problem is, this involves things considered bad as well. Because the way the universe works there is no good or bad things, there are just things, and these things are made of energy, and your thoughts are made of energy, and when you start to think things that energy sets off a chain of events, that eventually attract the same type of energy you sent out.

If you think something bad will happen, you get bad, you always get more of what you don’t want. If you think good positive thoughts, you become a positive happy person where everything just seems to go right in your life. Also, if you think you need to wait for something to happen or for a certain time frame, you’re attracting waiting, and you’ll get more…yep…waiting. I’ve encountered people who have been waiting to do things their entire lives always trying to just get this one thing out of the way.

Have you ever run into someone who’s essentially what I call a doomsday warrior, just gloomy as hell, and you can’t wait to get away from them. All they do is whine, complain, cry, and talk about bad stuff to such an extent that they’ll actually warn you about not doing stuff you want to do because of this bad stuff. Oftentimes, they have such an impact that they can talk you out of doing things and drag you down and you’ll end up drinking with them in a bar telling sad stories. Notice how everything bad seems to happen to this person?

Then think of all the happy positive people you’ve met and you’re excited just to be around them. They talk about good stuff and inspire you. Everything seems to be going perfect for them and they make you want to be a better person and get out and do things.

You are encountering two different types of energy patterns and both of them attract what they are to them.

So regardless of your physical environment, you can grow to as big of a person as you want to be in your mind and obtain peaceful, happy, loving relationships with those around you. This is not the question at hand for Spiritual Accumulation. While in Material Accumulation you may need to expand your geographical location, customer base, etc. Spiritual Accumulation requires only that you expand your mind.

Believe in those seeking the truth but doubt those who find it.

There are no absolutes in this life. Question everything and be open to anything. Think about things and expand your mind. Read, learn, and see from all paradigms or viewpoints. If you read a book on Ghandi then read one on Hitler. Get the opposite sides of every story and argument, it’s the greatest tool we have to expand our minds.

Thomas Van

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