Categories: Inspiration

Change Your Life Now

Take a moment and look around you.

Look at the things you have, look at the person you’re with and not with, look at what you do on a regular basis, and think to yourself. “Five years ago, if you had asked me where I wanted to be in life, is this it?”

Did you achieve your goals? Or were you like most people and didn’t have any? And are you also like most people who sit around either complaining about something, whining about things not being fair, wishing you had the same fair chance as other people, and blaming the circumstances of your life on everything while you procrastinate and do absolutely nothing.

Absolutely nothing!

By the time you’re done whining and complaining you’re so exhausted and angry with the world that you either give up or just go sit back on your couch and put on some reality TV. Maybe you go sit on the computer and complain on Facebook instead, maybe you don’t, maybe you have another monotonous non-challenging way that you waste your time. Do you want to see reality TV?

Go to your couch and without turning your TV on just sit there and look at it. If your’e TV is on then turn it off and look at it. See that reflection? That is you sitting on the couch looking at a blank TV. Everything around you is what you’ve obtained and acquired in this life. That’s the reality of your life. Now, ask yourself, is it the reality that you wanted and envisioned for yourself or do you think there’s something more out there for you? Are you content with your life or do you wonder what you’re missing out on? Do you want more?

Whether more is defined in money, success, happiness, or doing something you’ve always wanted to do, do you want more? Is something missing?

Then ask yourself this question, if you died today, would you have any regrets? Would there be things that you wished you had done but just couldn’t find the time to do? If these were your circumstances in life, would you really believe and be able to convince yourself that there just wasn’t enough time to do the things you wanted to do? To achieve the things you’ve always wanted to achieve? To be the father, the mother, or the friend you’ve always wanted to be? Did you accomplish any of your dreams or did you just give up on them and watch the dreams of others come true all around you or on television? People graduating, people getting promotions, people buying new things, people going on vacations; do you sit around and wonder when you’ll get your turn?

I have the answer for you.

You’ll never get your turn.

I’m not being negative, I’m being honest, you haven’t and aren’t willing to put yourself out on the line or in the position to have great things happen to you. You’re just unlucky right? Well, I wrote an article on luck and how you can get more of it, but that’s not my point here.

I’ll make it very clear for you right now as to why you fail at life, but first, you must be open and willing to accept the fact that you are responsible for your position in life. That there are other people who have the exact same circumstances, or worse, as you have now, yet they came out successful, happy, wealthy, and more. How did they do that???

Your circumstances do not define you. Circumstances were not put here on earth just especially for you to hold you back. There is nothing special about your circumstances. Many people have overcome worse and many people have been where you are now, I don’t care what it is, and they’ve come out ahead.

Everyone has problems and everyone has circumstances, and I mean everyone. Some people choose to talk about them and some people don’t, and that’s the difference. Even people that are doing well in your eyes have tons and tons of problems, they just don’t talk about them, let them hold them down, or affect how they feel each day. You see, how you respond to circumstances is your choice. You can choose to wallow in them and sit where you are now or you can choose differently.

Consider that doing the same thing each day gets you to the same results that you see right before your eyes. If you do nothing to tackle your circumstances, don’t expect them to just go away or get better. It is absolutely necessary that you try something new or something different to get a different result than the one you see now.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results. Your results are what you see around you, if you don’t like them, then change your actions. Whether you have to quit a job, move, unfriend people, or do some other series of magical events; if you don’t do something different, nothing will change.

If you can’t accept the above three paragraphs or be open enough to consider them, then please close this article down right now and turn your TV back on.

Okay, for those of you that stuck around, I want to start off with a funny little metaphoric story that I’m sure I’ve written out in 800 other places, but I’ll write here again.

A man, struggling from hard times, worse than you could imagine, goes to sleep every night saying the same prayer.

“Please God, let me win the lottery. I need this money so badly and would be eternally grateful for it if you could bestow upon me this one simple request. Amen.”

He continued to do this over and over again. Weeks went by, years went by, and finally God got sick and tired of hearing the same prayer over and over again from this man so he descended from the heavens and right into this mans bedroom.

The man shocked with what had just happened was now face to face with God.

Just then, God spoke to him and said, “You’ve been praying to me for 7 lonely years and I have not answered, but I will answer your prayer now….Could you at least meet me halfway and buy a lottery ticket???”

You see, most people expect things to be handed to them. They can’t even fathom that they might have to do something to get something so they do nothing instead. They don’t even take the first step. How can you win the lottery without buying a lottery ticket?

And low and behold this is the key to luck, success, and everyone around you getting the things you thought you deserved. They simply took steps to put themselves in that position. They worked hard at work, went to school to improve their education and resume, they bought the lottery ticket, they trained hard, they worked the deal, etc; but whatever they have is because they went out and did what was required to get it.

No one is “lucky” no one gets a free “ride” and if you believe in these things, fine, but consider that in order to be lucky, you still have to buy the lottery ticket, you still have to put yourself in a position to be lucky. If you aren’t following what I’m saying at this point, again, it’s time to close down this site, and turn your TV on before we get into the next part.

The sad truth is, most people who have goals know what it takes to achieve those goals. It’s not necessarily a complex science that was reserved for a select few “lucky” people. Most people know precisely what to do.

What makes two people in the same circumstances come out on different ends, one being successful and one being a loser or not accomplishing much, is simply how they respond to their circumstances and the action steps they put into play. Don’t sit around talking or thinking that something holds you back, I will make a guarantee that someone has beaten your circumstances before and gotten what they wanted out of life, this means, you have zero excuses. Sometimes you’re handed circumstances you didn’t ask for and sometimes your responsible for your circumstances, the circumstances do not matter, what you do about them does. I hope you get this point.

If you want a higher paying job because you work at a gas station, I bet you already know how to do it. I bet you know all about school, training, career switches, or other lucrative opportunities that could make you more money, but you do nothing. I think Obama made school virtually free now, figure it out and do something about it, no one is going to do something for you.

And I’m not an advocate of school by any means, I think schools have been shaped toward giving people pieces of paper for jobs instead of actually training them and allowing them to learn and become more knowledgeable. Nonetheless, it is a path that everyone knows about at this point to get a better job.

But to get to school, you have to go apply and finish classes, you have to actually do something you see. And when you get out of school, you don’t get a free high paying job, you’ll have to compete with others you see. You’ll have to look for, apply for, and convince employers that you’re the best person for the job. Do you see?

So here’s your action step.

If you do not have goals, come up with goals. Ask yourself simple questions. Am I happy with my employment? Am I happy with my significant other? Am I happy where I live? Are you happy? If you are, then shut down this article. But if you aren’t, like most people, then identify where the problem areas are and make a goal for that area.

If you’re girlfriend isn’t what you want drop her and move on, if it’s your house make a plan to get out of it, and so on. Do this for everything that you’re not happy with. And if you’re one of those religious fanatics, you may want to replace the word happy with content.

I do not believe in being content because being content is just an excuse for people to convince themselves that they are okay with their shitty life and to forget about getting everything they wanted. And what you want doesn’t have to be a greed thing, I’m already one step ahead of you.

Maybe you want to help a lot of people or cure some major illness. Guess what you’ll need for that? Yep! Money! Becoming rich is the best thing you can do to help people and it doesn’t have to be selfish. Okay it is, it’s completely selfish and egotistical to make a ton of money so you can feed starving children and donate money to cancer research. You asshole! Because food, roads, buildings, and everything that the starving people of the world need, costs money.

You didn’t think that shit was free did you? Churches need money, red cross needs money, everyone needs money. So volunteer your time if you’d like or go make a shit ton of money and buy some starving kids some food, but don’t sit around and think you’re better than someone because you live a subpar lifestyle and don’t need all that evil money. Money makes the world move and if you’re a good person you’ll use it properly. Anyone that says money is the root of all evil, doesn’t fucking have any, it’s that simple.

Evaluate the people in your life, evaluate the routine in your life, evaluate your life and everything in it, and ask yourself, “Is this going to lead to me getting what I want in life?” You’ll already know what you want to accomplish and what you want out of life after you complete the paragraphs above.

Is what you are doing now going to lead you to the life you’ve always wanted? Or is your daily routine incongruent with the lifestyle you want to live?

Identify a problem….fix it. Identify another problem….fix it.


Thomas Van

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